Aveiro Pt. 2

On the second day of our stay in Aveiro we went to Costa Nova (A beach town).

We took the bus and the journey was 30 minutes long. When I got off the bus it felt so great to be able to move my legs again but then I realized somehow whilst sitting I hurt my foot so it kind of hurt to walk.

Before going to the actual beach we walked down the street of colorful striped houses and boy oh boy were colorful. The street was filled with red, yellow, and blue houses as far as the eye could see, a lot of them with people sitting on the porches of them.

On one of the porches there was a talking parrot ! The parrot didn’t say much, it kind of only said Ola!, Ola! over and over again but It was still talking so it was really cool. The entire time I was watching it there was a little kid jumping up and down from excitement every single time the parrot said Ola! It was hilarious to watch as they responded to each other, the parrot would say Ola and the kid would jump up and down.

When we got to the beach I decided that it would be a great idea to play near the ocean, it turned out not being that great of an idea and I was completely wet from my knees down within 5 minutes of getting to the beach. We decided maybe I shouldn’t be as close to the water and I tried to get my socks and shoes to dry out but since there was salt in them (Sea water) they didn’t dry but thankfully Dad brought another pair of socks which I changed into and trekked on in my soaking sneakers.

We decided to go to the next section of the beach to take pictures cause there was this huge cliff made out of a pile of rocks so we climbed up to take pictures and just as we had expected the view was great.

After we left the beach we decided to go to a lighthouse that we saw earlier and ended up not going in but just taking pictures around it and then we decided to go to the train station in order to go home but on our way we saw a museum and got distracted so we looked around in the museum for a while before going to the train station and going home.

Written on October 20, 2019 by William