Cidade Berco

Because of the rain, we stayed as long as we were allowed at the Stay Hotel, before we got a Uber to the go to the Palace.

Guimaraes is known in Portual as Cidade Berco (the cradle city) because:

  1. The first king Afonso Henriques was born here, and
  2. the Battle of Sao Mamede, which led to the establishing of the Kingdom of Portugal was fought here.

Of course it is a city of many historical sites:


The royal palace. Right outside of the lower right corner, there is a small chapel, where the first king was said to be baptized. We overheard a tour guide of another group empahsized that it was a legend because the chapel was believed to be constructured at least decades later. Within the palace, there was a special exihibition of toture instruments and methods.


The castle was build on top of a stone mountain.


Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira (Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira) which was completed in 1413. It stands with the Padrao do Salado, a momument to commenmorate the victory in the Battle of Salado in 1340 to fend off a Muslim armada.

On our way back to the bus station, William had a superlong long hotdog in local style.

Written on October 13, 2019