CLIB (Colegio Luso International de Braga), aka Braga International School,is a nice place.

CLIB is an international school so I didn’t have to learn any extra Portuguese. The food is good (most of the time) and most people are friendly.

The first day of school was rough. We were told it started on the the 10th, it started on the 9th and I got to school at around 1 pm. I quickly got to know 2 people who were really friendly Bernardo and Margarita. I don’t talk to them much anymore now that I think about it.

In the first week I befriended about half of the class through my jokes and charms, just kidding, I don’t have any charm, I just rapid fired jokes at people until at least one made everyone in the class laugh. I befriended Theo and Pascal, 2 kids in my class, rather quickly as well. Theo is from Brazil and Pascal was born in France but came to Portugal when he was one (He is of Chinese heritage). Me and Theo bonded over memes and me and Pascal are just kind of similar minded. Now that I think about it I’ve made friends with most of the Chinese people at the school if not all of them.

The classes are nice, the Music teacher and the English teacher yell quite a bit but other than that the teachers are pretty nice. The Geography teacher is the nicest in my opinion, she’s like the stereotypical cool teacher.

Oh and there are like 15ish minute breaks. During those times you can play or buy food with a card you get. Lunch is a bit hectic, they have older kids try to control the younger kids and we all know that that has never gone well. Usually lunch is filled with hijinks of kids trying and failing to sneak past the prefects (Older Kids) in order to skip the line although sometimes it works (Speaking from experience here).

After classes end at 4:00 kids tend to play until their parents pick them up but they can stay until 8pm but by 6:00 all the kids are usually gone.

Written on October 16, 2019 by William