The Co-op

On the way to the Portuguese class, I saw people were setting up a vegetable and food stand. I thought it was a farmer’s market, but it turned out to be a co-op.

The works that you name a price in advance, then you will receive unspecified amount of sorted produce. One professor encouraged me to give it a try, but that could be too much a hassle for them so I did not.

It’s quite interesting, but you would wonder why local residents need so many grocery stores. Within 10 minutes walk from our apartment in downtown, you will find three major grocery stores (Pingo Doce and Contimenti). Within the same distance, there are possibly more than 50 smaller grocery stores.

We also noticed there were a large amount of community gardens almost everywhere we went in Portugal.

In the BabeliUM Portuguese class, Anna showed a spoon she bought in Amman where she once worked as an expat. I am running into some difficulties in this class because I did not understand the teacher’s instructions in Portuguese. Apparently she left some tell and show homework but I did not pick it up at all last time on Monday.

At the Speak class, I unexpectedly found out William did not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on his computer. It seems he does not know about the Acrobat Reader.

Otherwise today is an ordinary day. I sent William to the school than go to the University. Answered some emails and took the mandatory renew training for my access to VA data. In the afternoon it was the Portuguese class and I attended a student’s thesis examination. Then I picked up William from the school and took him out to dinner before took him to swimming practice. After that I cooked a pizza so that William could have another dinner after I picked him up from the municipal pool. We have a SPEAK class from 8 to 9:30 which passed quickly while we worked on some exercises together. At 10:00 pm, I had a conference call with the Berkeley team.

Written on November 13, 2019