De onde você é

People in the US have been used to the idea that anyone can be local. Within the first couple of days after I arrived in US for the first time decades ago, I had multiple people asking me for directions. That hasn’t happened in my stay in Portugal.

The language (vocabulary, sementic, syntax) you speak dicdates how do you reason. De onde voce e (where are you from) is one example of Lost in Translation moment. In Portugues, you are in three places at the same current time.

O Xinlian e da China,
mas mora nos Estados Unidos.
Agora esta em Portugal.

William and I shared a plate of fried bacalhau and rice. Josey gave us all she had left. Nowadays she will always ask us whether we would drop by the next day. If so she will save some dishes for us.

Written on October 22, 2019