Heart Dissection

Today when I walked into the science class I was filled with joy because today was the day, today was the day that I would get to DISSECT A HEART.

When we went to the lab we were greeted by 3 pig hearts in a plastic bag. As we sat down we watched the teacher pull the 3 hearts out and prepared a dissection kit. In our class of 23 people we had one heart per table and each table had about 8 people(One had 7). As we started the dissection my team was very diligent but as time went on they slowly strayed away from our task. At one point everyone except Toby(A fellow classmate) and 1 started stabbing the heart with a needle tool provided and I barely was able to stop them. Needless to say our heart was completely ruined but I was still able to do everything I had to so I didn’t fail. I nearly failed though because I forgot my lab coat but my friend Pascal let me borrow his(Thanks man) so I was fine. At the end we threw all of our gloves into the trash and the teacher just slid the hearts off of the trays and into the trash. She just tossed the pig hearts right into the trash, which I think is the most hilarious thing that happened today. I feel so bad for the janitor or whoever throws away the trash.

Written on October 18, 2019 by William