
Today when I woke up I was extremely tired.

I had slept at 12 a.m the previous night, I mean this morning. As soon as I got up my dad asked me if I wanted to run with him or not which I immediately shut him down because I didn’t even have the energy to properly get up let alone run at the same pace as him. After he left I lied down for a while before going to play video games which I did, until he came back like 15 minutes later.

When he came back he decided that we should go eat at the market. We ate and then came back home.

Once a few hours passed by my dad decided we should go to a museum. As we were on our way there we saw scouts parading around playing drums and stuff like that.When we got to the museum we quickly found out that there was an event at 5:30 (We got there at 4:30) so we decided to go the events but first go through the entire museum.

The museum was cool because it had a bunch of big models of things like houses.

There was even a Roman ruin right underneath the museum, It wasn’t as cool as I though it would be because it was just some 2 foot tall walls but it was still pretty cool.

After looking at the ruin dad just talked to his colleague while I stuffed my face with food. Then we just went home.

Written on October 26, 2019 by William