My Day

Today was a normal day.

I got to school early, wait, this wasn’t a normal day. It’s been so long since I’ve been early. Anyways when I got to school I talked to George (a kid I know) and I kinda talked to him until school started.

When I got to my first class Spanish I sat down and started doing my English work (because I don’t have Spanish so I do other things).

After getting bored of doing English I decided to draw a bit. I didn’t know what to draw so I asked for suggestions from people around me and one person said Where’s Wall-E so I spent 10 minutes drawing that and by the time I finished it was time for Portuguese.

During Portuguese I spent my time doing a couple of worksheets that the teacher gave us last class and when it finished I rushed out the door because break had just started.

I rushed to the snack bar but was still too slow, I nearly waited the entire break just for the thing that I wanted to be sold out. I went upstairs and the moment I finished eating the bell signalling that the break was over rang calling in all of the kids.

Now was Math, we just did work from the book the entire class since the teacher had pain whenever standing and then we had Lunch and Recess.

During Recess a couple of kids and I played Uno and when Recess ended I went to Science which was uneventful but then during LTR I actually did stuff like making a fitness routine before leaving at 4 and that was my day.

Written on October 24, 2019 by William