Business Stuff

It rains, despite the weather forecast of clear sky
It rains, despite the weather forecast of clear sky

Xinlian began the day with a productive meeting with Professor Pedro manuel Rangel santos Henriques, the chairperson of the Department of Informatica at University of Minho. Pedro gave a datailed introduction to the department and invited Xinian to the retiredment party for Professor Jose Manuel Valenca. We shard our experiences and observations on teaching, research, and administration in Portugal and in the US.

The top layer of the building for the Departmento de Informatica is a kitchen/loundge where you can find vending machines and some comfortable seats. Sometimes I come here to take a catnap. From here you can see both Bom Jesus and Sanctuario de Nossa Senhora do Sameiro:

Xinlian went to a Meetup to meet the local Data Science community. The meetup is at the Centro Empresarial de Braga at 6:30 pm. Xinlian was alerted about this event by Sergio Silva, a PhD student he met at a SPEAK event.

About 40 people attended the Meet-up event and filled out the conference room of WeDO Braga. Before the first speaker’s talk, we were asked to play a piing game with our phones, which was quite fun.

Written on October 15, 2019