Rainy Days

It’s the first day when rain caused problem in our morning routine.

It seems we are totally unpreprared for the never-ending rainy winter days in Braga. If I were to offer anyone who will visit Braga between October and January, the must-have list should include following items:

  • A fedora;
  • A trench coat;
  • A pair of tactical pants;
  • A pair of hiking boots;
  • A water-proof hiking backpack

Today when I waked to the exit door preparing to get off the bus, an old man stopped me. Seeing I carrying two backpacks he thought I was going to the train stration, which was a few stops away. The man does not speak Ingles, and he had to get the help from a young woman to tell me that. What a nice and considerate person.

Written on October 14, 2019