
After non-stop rain for an entire week, weather forecast shows Monday to Wednesday rain-free.

Naturally, I did not bring an umbrella on Monday morning. Approximately 4:22 pm, while we were at the Portugues class, there was this incredible loud thunder that rocked the classroom. Our teacher Sara said in Portugues it was Trovao. William was quick to text me through WhatApp that the swimming practice would be canceled.

And it was followed by down pouring rain.

Having heard the first thunder of the year in Portugal (for me), I also saw the firstrainbow. “There is a jar of honey at the of every rainbow,” I told a little Chinese girl who was waiting for bus with her Dad, “and Winnie-the-Pooh knows about that.”


After the rain, everything looks refreshed, and it looks like autumn has come.

Today we saw a transportatiob employee checking tickets on the bus for the first time.

We saw three cats in Costa Nova yeterday. On our way back home, William was asking what would we do at the time when Scamp die. He said, by then, Emma would have left home and he would be the one to take care a new cat. I said we would probably not getting another pet because I couldn’t take the ultimate lost of a pet any more. As we were entering the elevator, William asked, how would it balance the pain of lossing a pet and the benefit of good time nad good meories.

Written on October 21, 2019