Trevo Da China

When we got off the bus after school we noticed a Chinese store right across the bus station. It has an interesting name Trevo Da China which is completed with green clover leaves, one on each end.

We found the shelves were nicely stocked and there were ample spaces for customers to wander around.

The boss was very nice and offered us a big discount without asking. When we checked out, he meticulously cut off the price tag with a pair of scissors that look very sharp.

There are so many Chinese stores in Portugal and they carried almost everything you may ever need. When I was attending a conference in Faro, I needed a coveter. One faculty told me he got one from the Chinese store. I asked him which Chinese store, he said, just the Chinese store. Of course, every local knows how to find a Chinese store and I was able to get my converter with less than two euros.

Reading online, there are two sharply opposite opinion towards Chinese stores in Portugal. Some local residents find it amazing with all the novelties that they simply couldn’t stop buying. Others find the quality of product carried by Chinese stores are so questionable that they advocate to banned them all together from school.

I hope they will open a Dollar Tree, A Daiso, a WalMart, and an Amazon Locker near me.

Written on October 9, 2019