
At first everything was great, warm and sunny days. But then, the clouds came. For the past week it has been raining non-stop. The bright, sunny days turned into gray, stormy downpours. Several times this week I’ve shown up to school looking like I just stepped out the shower. It’s even worse when we’re traveling, we’ll be walking around site-seeing and then all of a sudden bam, now its coming down in buckets. Of course we’ll have left our umbrellas at the hotel because when we left it seemed fine and now, we’re rethinking our life choices. I think you have an idea of what I think about Portugal’s rain but I’m going to continue. WHY, my school uniform has nothing to combat the cold rain or Portugal. Even our rain jackets have nothing on the the rain. I can be wearing every single article of clothing my school uniform has and still be literally frozen.

Written on October 17, 2019 by William