William's Morning Routine

William waits for Route 24 to Gualtar at the bus stop D Maria II-II on 25 de Abril
William waits for Route 24 to Gualtar at the bus stop D Maria II-II on 25 de Abril

Every morning, I would wake up about 20 minutes later than I should have. I rush out of bed, trip a couple of times, put on my unreasonably expensive school uniform, grab my bags and run like heck. As soon as I get out of the door I run right back upstairs to get my unreasonably expensive school coat, because even though the forecast said it would be sunny today I can already see the misery to come because black clouds are forming in the background.

As soon as I get to the bus stop I rush on the bus and plop my stuff and myself down on a seat. The ride is usually 40 or more minutes so I have quite a bit of time to play games. Of course my dad doesn’t allow me to play on my phone during transportation so I just do Duolingo for the most part.

I walk in through the gate into my school and realize I’m 12 minutes late.

Written on October 16, 2019 by William